Messaging helps teachers personalize learning.
As teachers try to personalize lessons for each student, it’s important students can communicate their progress or questions that arise as they work. LanSchool’s Messaging feature enables teachers to chat with students one-on-one or as a class, guiding and personalizing the learning experience.
Messaging is a great way to share one-on-one feedback with students or to send out reminders to the entire class without distracting them from the task at hand. With messaging, teachers can help students focus on the right material at the right time. The more teachers have insight into each student’s questions and pace of work, the more they’re able to personalize lessons with supplementary learning or skill practice.

Raise Hand increases student engagement.
One of the biggest distance-learning challenges teachers tell us they face is keeping a daily connection with students, many of whom are not consistent at using email. LanSchool’s Raise Hand feature enables teachers to easily identify when students need assistance, allowing them to guide learning in a more timely and effective way.
This is particularly useful when students are learning remotely, but it can also be a helpful feature during in-person learning. Not only can students discreetly notify their teacher when they’ve finished their work, but less-confident students can also ask questions or request help without having to speak up in front of the entire class. This crucial feature helps teachers answer questions and keep students engaged in their learning.

Show Teacher makes blended learning easier.
Modeling is a key component of learning, whether the teacher is walking students through a math concept or another technical task. The Show Teacher feature broadcasts the teacher’s screen to all devices in the class so students can follow along as the teacher models the task at hand.
In the classroom setting, this can take the place of a whiteboard or projector, helping students grasp concepts more deeply and quickly. In remote teaching situations, this function becomes even more powerful, as it can enable real-time or “synchronous” learning to keep classes connected. The Show Teacher feature is currently in beta and we’re excited to release it to all customers soon. If you’d like early access, just let us know.

Screen Monitoring helps teachers guide student progress.
When students are all working on their own devices, teachers need digital tools that enable them to check on each student’s progress. Without LanSchool, this usually means walking around the room to glance at kids’ screens, which only gives teachers a moment of context to figure out how everyone is doing. With LanSchool, teachers can use the Thumbnail and Fullscreen Monitoring features to see in one place what all their students are working on.
This is crucial for recognizing when a student has hit a roadblock or has misunderstood the assignment. Being able to pro-actively guide that student back to the right path can save the student time and energy and help them avoid unnecessary frustration. It can also help teachers get a better sense of each student’s working style. All these benefits are important in the classroom, but even more so when students are learning remotely.

Conferencing Connectivity enables synchronous learning for better student outcomes.
The global pandemic led many schools to switch to asynchronous remote learning, meaning students worked largely independently rather than being taught in real time. As educators have since expressed to us, this isn’t the best way to support student outcomes over the long term. LanSchool makes working with conferencing tools like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams easy so teachers can implement a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning if students are working from home. In a hybrid setting, LanSchool Air used alongside a conferencing tool can also enable teachers to stay engaged with students who are schooling from home or elsewhere outside the classroom.