Learning Resource Centres that exist within an educational environment such as schools and universities have become all the more popular as the need for computer-based learning continues to increase, but staff can run into a whole host of issues when trying to manage them. Installing a Computer Booking Solution like MyPC can make life a lot easier for IT Managers, LRC Managers and LRC Assistants when trying to run a Learning Resource Centre efficiently. Here's how.
Ensuring Fair Access For All Users
All students want easy access to learning resources, but how can staff members be sure that all students are given the access they need? It's important for any LRC to ensure fair use for students when using computers and is a key reason why more and more Learning Resource Centre's are installing simple to manage computer booking software like MyPC. MyPC can supply LRC Managers with insightful reports showing how many people are using PCs at any given time. These reports can also show who's using a PC the most, meaning LRC Managers can then add booking and usage restraints so that students cannot overuse computers, ensuring fair access for all. Priority booking can also be given to students who need more time, for example those in later years about to sit important exams.
Time Constraints & Self-Service
MyPC's Computer Booking Software offers a self-service environment for students, which is a huge time saver for LRC Managers and Assistants. With the power of self-service, students have the ability to book LRC computer sessions for themselves, from anywhere and on any device, saving staff time and reducing the risk of booking queues building up. MyPC also offers automated email triggers, warnings and even library fines to ensure equipment and books are returned to the LRC on time without the need of staff members chasing students.
Misbehaving Students
LRC's are usually highly productive areas for learning. they can be places to go for much needed quiet during revision sessions, hotspots for computer-led classes or resourceful areas for students to further develop their understanding of a topic after class. It's why disruptive users are often a rare but highly distracting presence. MyPC can offer a simple messaging system to staff members who may feel uncomfortable and want to avoid confrontation, they can send warnings to a user's computer and, if need be, ban them from using or booking a computer in the LRC. It also gives LRC Managers more confidence in leaving the Learning Resource Centre in the manageable hands of their assistants.
For more info on Computer Booking, visit our MyPC Page